Personnel related issues are a constant challenge in most every ministry. Many of these challenges typically stem from a simple misunderstanding between the employee and the employer. To reduce the likelihood of such misunderstandings, proper documentation must be prepared which outlines the facts regarding issues, and this documentation must be shared with the employee to create an understanding. Preparing such documentation is one of the most important components for developing good staff relations. As a church or ministry begins to hire employees for works of ministry, it becomes critical that they begin the process of developing and maintaining an official Employee Handbook. If properly prepared, this Handbook will address and systematically guide the employee in a broad range of personnel-related issues.

The EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK is designed to assist leadership in communicating to employees important personnel policies and procedures. The Handbook can also serve as an important orientation tool when new employees are hired. The Introduction to the Handbook can be personalized to whatever degree the user so desires. All employment related sections found in the Handbook represent an abbreviation of the ministry's official personnel policies and procedures. Appropriate Acknowledgement of Receipt forms are also provided for the employee to complete and return to the employer.

Throughout the Handbook the employee is provided with hyperlinks that direct them to related policies found in the ministry's official Policies and Procedures Manual, or to organizational issues, found in the ministry's official Organizational Manual. Hyperlinks are also provided to administrative forms that the employee will need to complete as they serve in their ministry position. These forms are found in the ministry's official Administrative Forms Manual.


Summary of Employee Handbook Features

Introduction to the Handbook - Welcome to employee from the Senior Minister, Brief history of church or ministry, Lists ministry's mission statement and ministry purposes, Discloses ministry's doctrinal beliefs, Shares how to effectively use Handbook

Five Employment Related Sections - Each of these sections outlines the ministry's official position on personnel-related matters.

  • Section A - Employment (i.e. Equal Employment Opportunity, Employment at Will, Staff Structure, Probational Period, Employment of Relatives). Covers 13 areas.
  • Section B - Compensation (i.e. Pay Periods, Time Sheets, Overtime, Confidentiality of Wages). Covers 15 areas.
  • Section C - Workplace Guidelines (i.e. Tardiness and Absence, Grievances and Complaints, Sexual Harassment, Outside Employment, Conducting Counseling Sessions, Use of Church Computers). Covers 49 areas.
  • Section D - Benefits (i.e. Vacation, Sick Leave, Retirement, Christian School Tuition Subsidies, Minister's Housing Allowances, Education Assistance). Covers 29 areas.
  • Section E - Performance Standards (i.e. Position Descriptions, Performance Evaluations, Promotions, Terminations, Retirement). Covers 7 areas.

Acknowledgements to Sign and Return - Employee Handbook, Use of Computer and Internet Access, Code of Ethics Policy, Safety and Protection Policy

Supporting Attachments - Includes selected attachments of important employee-related ministry policies and procedures.